+44(0)1489 581755 | admin@andark.co.uk
Andark Diving & Watersports

Regulators & Gauges

Regulators & Gauges, The Scuba Diving Regulator was invented by the famous French Scuba Diving Pioneer Jaques Yves Cousteau and the engineer Emile Gaynan. The principle remains the same – but modern technology has transformed this simple device to allow the scuba diver to breathe underwater with the minimum amount of effort. Here at Andark we have many different brands of Regulators and Gauges by, Apeks, Aqualung, Cressi, Scubapro, Mares. We can also service your Regulators and other Scuba Diving equipment.

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256 Bridge Road,
Lower Swanwick,
Hampshire UK,
SO31 7FL

email: admin@andark.co.uk
Call us on: +44 (0)1489 581755
Lake: +44 (0)1489 581755

PADI 5* IDC Diver Training Centre

About Andark

Andark was formed in 1976 , originally as a diving contractor working on many underwater projects from ship hull surveys to underwater construction and marine salvage. In 1980 we diversified into scuba diver training . Today Andark is one of the country’s biggest leisure diving schools offering a range of world-recognised dive courses.