+44(0)1489 581755 | admin@andark.co.uk
Andark Diving & Watersports

Dive Computers

Dive Computers, Andark having a large range of diving computers from Sunnto Diving, Cressi, Mares.

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256 Bridge Road,
Lower Swanwick,
Hampshire UK,
SO31 7FL

email: admin@andark.co.uk
Call us on: +44 (0)1489 581755
Lake: +44 (0)1489 581755

PADI 5* IDC Diver Training Centre

About Andark

Andark was formed in 1976 , originally as a diving contractor working on many underwater projects from ship hull surveys to underwater construction and marine salvage. In 1980 we diversified into scuba diver training . Today Andark is one of the country’s biggest leisure diving schools offering a range of world-recognised dive courses.